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Nike is the largest producer of sportswear, accessories and equipment in the world. Despite being number one in its industry, its history started relatively late compared to its competition. The company was founded in 1964 under the original name of Blue Ribbon Sports by Bill Bowerman and Philip Knight. The current name Nike was given to the company 14 years later after the Greek goddess of victory.

Basketball, as we know it now, began to be played in 1891. It quickly became a popular sport, especially among students. Play basketball with friends.

Basketball balls

Order a basketball and experience an unforgettable game. In our offer, you will find balls in different color versions. They are made of durable materials with a special rubberized surface for better grip.

If you decide to play basketball or another sport, always pay attention to high-quality shoes. Sports sneakers can be great companions during the game, which also provide support, cushioning and cushioning.

Basketball is a sport that is often played at school during physical education. However, it is also popular as an after-school club. In our blog, we will tell you about the most popular sports extracurricular activities for children .

How points are scored in basketball:

• a free throw basket counts for 1 point

• a basket from two-point territory counts for 2 points

• a basket from three-point territory counts for 3 points

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Quotes from famous athletes that inspire: Michael Jordan
2024-07-10 11:02:24

Quotes from famous athletes that inspire: Michael Jordan

"I failed, and then I failed again and again. That's why I succeeded in the end.”