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Bike soul

Cycling innertube  > Manufacturer MICHELIN

Michelin (full name: "Manufacture Française des Pneumatiques Michelin", "Michelin French Tire Factory") is a French tire company based in Clermont-Ferrand in the Auvergne region of France.

In order to know how to choose the right inner tube for a bicycle, it is necessary to know the dimensions. Here you will find hoses of different diameters and widths.

It is also important to know which type of inner tube you need for your bike. We know inner tubes for mountain bikes, inner tubes for road bikes and inner tubes for children's bikes. With us, you can choose from Kross , Longus ,Michelin , Pro-T orSchwalbe brands.

What types of souls do we know:

Standard - medium-thick tire, for occasional riding

Reinforced - strong shell, can withstand even extreme conditions

Light - better grip and easier start, used for road bikes

Ultralight - racing or road bikes, low resistance to punctures

Self-adhesive - in the event of a puncture, their special filling heals the damaged area by itself up to a size of 3 cm

Uni - universal tube for different sizes of bicycles

With two ends - when installing them, you do not have to take the wheel off the fork, just take off the wheel casing, inflate the tube and insert the shell around the rim. It is more suitable for electric bicycles.

If you have already purchased a high-quality inner tube for a bicycle, add mudguards , pedals , bicycle lights , tools or a pump just in case.

Cycling innertube

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