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wheels on imline skates

Inline wheels  > Manufacturer FILA SKATES

The Fila Skates brand is focused on roller skates, ice skates and their accessories. It is closely related to the concept of high performance products. It is aimed at customers who are looking for high-quality skates, which are also very well technically solved. The success of Fila skates lies in many innovations and patented technologies.

Spare wheels

The Fila Skates brand offers many options for spare wheels for In-line roller skates. If you don't have roller skates yet, choose one from our range of In-line fitness roller skates .

Choose from us wheels in sizes:

• 125 mm

• 110 mm

• 100 mm

• 90 mm

• 58 mm

• 54 mm

Buy from us other accessories for a comfortable ride on roller skates, such as protectors and helmets , spare bearings or a spare brake .

The whole family is skating

For children, choose children's roller skates in the In-line version or in the double-row Quad version ! Both men and women can choose from In-line skates by Fila Skates.

Skate Wheels

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