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Indoor shoes

Indoor shoes 

Nike is the largest producer of sportswear, accessories and equipment in the world. Despite being number one in its industry, its history started relatively late compared to its competition. The company was founded in 1964 under the original name of Blue Ribbon Sports by Bill Bowerman and Philip Knight. The current name Nike was given to the company 14 years later after the Greek goddess of victory.

Indoor shoes are designed for playing sports in indoor sports halls and gyms. The advantage of indoor sneakers is a durable upper, flexible construction and a sole with excellent traction.

Indoor sports

Children learn to play indoor sports such as basketball , volleyball and floorball already at school during physical education classes. Sportswear that wicks away sweat well and dries quickly is ideal for bodybuilding. Functional clothing that surprises with very good breathability is also suitable.

Floorball is very popular among both younger and older students. In our e-shop you can buy:

• floorball hockey sticks

• floorball balls

Indoor shoes

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