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women's and men's sports pants and shorts

Functional leggings, sweatpants, training pants and shorts 

Nike is the largest producer of sportswear, accessories and equipment in the world. Despite being number one in its industry, its history started relatively late compared to its competition. The company was founded in 1964 under the original name of Blue Ribbon Sports by Bill Bowerman and Philip Knight. The current name Nike was given to the company 14 years later after the Greek goddess of victory.

We offer a wide selection of training pants to all fans of sports activities who spend their free time training. Choose short or long pants, functional leggings or sweatpants.

Be trendy in functional leggings . Ladies who want to look stylish even during training will be pleased with functional capri 3/4 pants . In the transitional spring or autumn period , functional long pants will come in handy. In the hot summer , training shorts will please you.

You can combine training pants with:

• sports sweatshirt

• functional T-shirts with short sleeves

• sports sneakers