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sport capri pants, capri leggings

Training capri pants  > Manufacturer 4F

The owner of the 4F brand is the OTCF company based in Wieliczka. It deals with the development, production and sale of sportswear with over twenty years of business experience in the industry. He has been working in retail for ten years.

Choose from our offer of capri 3/4 pants. Short leggings are suitable for the fitness center or for dance training. They are elastic and provide freedom of movement.

Pants for all types of exercises

Try functional capri pants , which are a guarantee of support during training. In the warm summer season, choose functional shorts that dry quickly and wick away sweat well. In spring and autumn , training functional long pants will come in handy.

You want to be stylish while exercising. Choose a combination of training leggings and a women's sports bra .

In our portfolio you can discover:

• stylish sports sweatshirts

• trendy sports sneakers

• functional T-shirts

Sport 3/4 pants

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  • -60%

    Women's pants brand 4F. Functional 3/4 leggings are designed in a minimalistic and yet timeless look. Women's leggings in 3/4 length are a must-have piece of clothing that should not be missing for sports-active women. You can complement black capri leggings with t-shirts and sports tanks of different colors. Sporty three-quarter leggings have a...

    9,00 € 22,99 €
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    1. XS
    2. S
    3. M
    4. L
    5. XL
  • -33%

    Women's leggings brand 4F. The 3/4 length leggings have a minimalist design. They are designed with an emphasis on functionality. Sports leggings allow complete freedom of movement for maximum concentration and comfort during training. They have a slim fit that follows the figure. Ladies' leggings are unlined, making them lighter and suitable for...

    19,99 € 29,99 €
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