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tourist tents

Outdoor and family tents  > Manufacturer EVERETT

EVERETT is a Slovak outdoor brand. The EVERETT brand has the ambition to appeal to a relatively wide range of customers – from recreational tourists who discover the beauty of nature to people who love outdoor activities and spend every free moment in the mountains.

Do you want to wake up in the middle of the mountains, enjoy the rustling of leaves and the singing of birds?

Get under the tent!

Order a Hannah tent and take a break from the hustle and bustle of big cities. In our portfolio you will find two-person, three-person and larger family tents . They have a durable supporting structure. Thanks to high-quality materials, they provide excellent protection in adverse weather. The tent for 2 people Hannah Falcon is an excellent choice for camping as a couple. The Hannah Sett tent is spacious enough for 3 people, it is stable, well ventilated and has a separate vestibule. If you are going camping with the whole family, pack the Hannah Space tent , suitable for 4 people with two separate rooms and a separate vestibule.

In our offer you will also find Everett tents , which you can quickly and easily set up. They are great companions for camping and festivals. View accessories for Koopman and Ace Camp tents.

To always set up the tent safely and stably, purchase a pack of tent pegs .

What else will you need for the tent?

Definitely something comfortable to sleep on, a mat or an inflatable mattress . And on soft surfaces, be sure to get a sleeping bag that will keep you warm and comfortable throughout the night.

Don't hesitate and go on an adventure.

Special discounts
  • New -46%

    Dome family Everett tent. The great variability of the entrances and the large vestibule preserves the advantage of small tents - simple and quick construction. The inner tent is breathable. The outer tent is water resistant. Product details: number of people: 4 dimensions of the inner tent: 2 x (230+145+200) cm dimensions of the outer tent: (230+140+100)...

    149,99 € 279,99 €
    Reduced price!
    In Stock

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