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Nike is the largest producer of sportswear, accessories and equipment in the world. Despite being number one in its industry, its history started relatively late compared to its competition. The company was founded in 1964 under the original name of Blue Ribbon Sports by Bill Bowerman and Philip Knight. The current name Nike was given to the company 14 years later after the Greek goddess of victory.

Volleyball is a team sport in which there are two teams of six players. It was created in 1895 in the USA with the original name "mintonette" and from there it reached the whole world.

Volleyball at the Olympics

Classical volleyball was first performed at the Olympic Games in 1964 in Tokyo . Beach volleyball, which originated on the beaches of California in 1930, had to wait until 1996 before it was included in the Olympic program.

Volleyball balls

From our offer you can choose volleyballs from brands such as Nike, Lancast, Spokey, Wilson or Mikasa volleyballs .

Training shoes

Classic volleyball requires high-quality training shoes , which should be anti-slip and not leave streaks. Training shoes from the Under Armor brand are a great choice for those who put up with looks and functionality.

The positives of playing volleyball

• improves cardiovascular health

• improves the muscular system

• improves your reflexes

• improves mood

• reduces stress

Volleyball as a popular sport

The most popular school sports to keep your kids moving and entertained.