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volleyball balls

Volleyball balls 

Nike is the largest producer of sportswear, accessories and equipment in the world. Despite being number one in its industry, its history started relatively late compared to its competition. The company was founded in 1964 under the original name of Blue Ribbon Sports by Bill Bowerman and Philip Knight. The current name Nike was given to the company 14 years later after the Greek goddess of victory.

The volleyball ball is an integral part of volleyball. The weight of volleyballs ranges from 180 to 280 grams and it depends on which player the ball is intended for. Whether it will be played by children who are just learning how to handle the ball correctly, or by more advanced adult players who are already more demanding when it comes to ball selection.

Volleyball parameters

The circumference of the balls varies between 600 and 670 mm, and the size of the ball is most often indicated by the numbers 4 or 5 . Consider the material from which the volleyball ball is made - take into account whether the game will take place inside the hall or outside on the sand. Leather volleyballs are harder and are recommended for indoor play, and synthetic balls are softer and suitable for all conditions.

Volleyball balls of world brands

Browse the range of balls from different brands such as Mikasa , Nike , Spokey or Wilson . Choose:

  • a ball suitable for schoolchildren
  • soft ball suitable for training
  • tournament ball made of harder material

Protect yourself in volleyball

Whether you are going to play in a tournament or just in the hall with your friends, get yourself volleyball protectors. Save your health so they can enjoy the game as long as possible.


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