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Thermopad heating kidney belt. Disposable kidney heater based on activated carbon. Activated carbon heaters consist of a mixture of natural substances: iron powder, salt, activated carbon, water and vermiculite. This mixture is surrounded by a soft membrane that allows oxygen to enter. In connection with oxygen, the iron powder is heated. Cross heating pads are designed so that heat is generated immediately after opening the airtight package.

You can place the disposable body warmer on your clothes around your waist. It is the ideal companion for all activities in the fresh, cold air. The disposable heating kidney belt is an ideal solution if you need to quickly warm up the whole body. The kidney belt is adjustable, the length can be adjusted and fastened with Velcro. It will keep you warm for about 12 hours.

Product details:

  • disposable heated kidney belt
  • air activation
  • immediate use after opening the package
  • natural heat
  • maximum temperature: 48 °C
  • average temperature: 42 °C
  • duration of heating: approx. 12 hours
  • dimensions: S-XL
CategoryDisposable heating kidney belt for the kidneys, for the back
Interné číslo produktuTP78703/148
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Mária Fačková

Great thing.

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A large area is an advantage

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Cyntia Kassova


Andrea Sklenárová

Disposable heating kidney belt for the kidneys, for the back THERMOPAD-Ohrievací ľadvinový pás

Disposable heating kidney belt for the kidneys, for the back THERMOPAD-Ohrievací ľadvinový pás

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Pltníky 2, Záturčie, 03601, Martin
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F.Urbánka 11, 91701, Trnava
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Prielohy 979, 01007, Žilina
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Zvolen, OC Klokan
Obchodná 10323/17, 96001, Zvolen
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Together Available in 16 stores (60+ pcs.)

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