Men's shoes brand Meindl. Outdoor footwear stands out for its high-quality workmanship. Trekking shoes have a suede upper that allows for very good air ventilation. The strong point of hiking shoes is the GORE-TEX membrane, which guarantees waterproofness. The plus of the men's mountain shoes is the midsole made of EVA material, which provides excellent cushioning and cushioning.
Men's trekking shoes have classic lacing, which perfectly fixes the foot. The soft insole ensures comfort when tackling hiking trails. Reinforced toe and heel add durability and protect the foot. The rubber sole is a guarantee of grip and traction on any surface. Men's shoes are great for hiking, trekking, camping and outdoor activities.
Product details:
EVA (Ethylene Vinyl Acetate) - The material most commonly used for the production of midsoles. The molded EVA is heated and compressed in the mold, molding it into the shape of the midsole. It is light, elastic and has good damping properties.
![]() | GORE-TEX® - the Gore-Tex® membrane contains more than 1.4 billion microscopic pores per cm2. These pores are 20,000 times smaller than water droplets, but 7,000 times larger than a water vapor molecule. That's why the Gore-Tex® membrane does not allow moisture from the outside environment, and at the same time perfectly wicks away body sweat. |
![]() | EMPIRE - Fresh Express 200mlEmpire shoe care product that solves the smell of shoes. |
| FELDTEN-WEATHER PROOF 250 mlImpregnation spray to protect shoes, clothes and other products made of leather, textiles and synthetics. It will provide long-term protection against moisture, dirt and sunlight. |
![]() | EMPIRE -Clean Keeper 200mlCare product for shoes of the Empire brand. Safely and reliably removes even the worst stains and dirt. |
![]() | EMPIRE - Dirt Blocker 200mlCare product for shoes of the Empire brand. The preparation offers maximum protection for sneakers, trekking shoes or other types of footwear. The easy-to-use spray creates an invisible protective shield on all surfaces. |
Gender | MEN |
Sport | Trekking |
Material composition | upper: suede, synthetic material; inside: textile; sole: rubber |
Season | YR |
Interné číslo produktu | 15402.32/278 |
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59,99 €