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Exercise with one-handed dumbbells - exercise at home with EXIsport

Exercise with one-handed dumbbells - exercise at home with EXIsport

Dumbbells have been among the basic strengthening aids since time immemorial. They will allow you a wide range of exercises, thanks to which you can acquire and strengthen your muscles. Exercise with dumbbells is one of the strength exercises that are also excellent for losing weight, because the more muscles you have, the more fat you burn. In addition, exercises with dumbbells and other strength training are also beneficial for your health. They improve fitness, protect against arthritis and osteoporosis. Thanks to their variability and the benefits you can achieve with them, dumbbells or one-handed dumbbells (one-handed) are part of various fitness centers, but they also find their place in the home environment.

In this article, we will show you what types of exercises can be performed on the upper part of your body with these tools even from the comfort of your home.
What do you need for that? This type of one-handed dumbbells - one-handed.

One-handed dumbbells
  • A fitness bench is an ideal tool for diversifying your training and for adding other exercises with one-handed dumbbells.
Fitness bench
  • For some exercises, to increase comfort and stability, it is advisable to use a fitness mat .
Fitness pad
  • However, before training, it is important to warm up and prepare the muscles for the load. One of the alternatives is jumping rope .

This is followed by static stretching and muscle stretching from the head to the feet. To exercise the muscles, you can perform a few push-ups on a bench. Cranks will give your muscles enough blood and prepare you for the main part of the training.

Bench push-ups
Crunches on a fitness bench


One-arm bench presses

In the lying position on the bench, you grasp the one-handed hands with your palms forward at the level of your chest.

One-arm bench presses

You push the single arms vertically upwards until the elbows are switched.

One-arm push-ups on a fitness bench

You stay in this position for at least a second and start lowering your hands with dumbbells back to your chest in a slow and controlled movement. You repeat 5-12 times after 3-4 sets.

This exercise can also be performed on an incline bench (One-arm presses on an incline bench)

Incline bench presses
One-arm push-ups on an incline fitness bench

The procedure for performing the exercise is the same as for the previous push-ups. However, it is necessary to adjust the incline on the bench. What is the effectiveness of changing angles on the bench when performing this exercise? Both types of exercises primarily develop the pectoral muscle. (Pectoralis Major)

Human body - muscles

When performing this exercise on a straight bench, the middle part of the pectoralis major muscle is developed more, and with an inclined bench, the upper part of the pectoralis major muscle is developed.

Push-ups with one arms on a straight bench

In a lying position on the bench, you hold one-handed hands with your palms facing you above the middle part of your chest.

One-arm push-ups on a straight bench

With a slow and controlled movement, start to lower your arms with dumbbells to the sides and slightly bend your elbows at chest level.

One-arm push-ups on a straight bench

In a slow way, start lifting the arms with the dumbbells in an arc back to the original position. You repeat 5-12 times after 3-4 sets.

This exercise can also be performed on an incline bench (One-arm push-ups on an incline bench)

One-armed bench press
One-arm push-ups on an incline fitness bench

The procedure for performing the exercise is the same as for the previous exercises. However, it is also necessary to adjust the incline on the bench.


One-arm deadlift

Stand on the mat at a distance of the width of your shoulders. You grasp the one-armed hands with your palms facing you. Keep your arms outstretched the whole time and go into a slight forward bend.

One Arm Deadlift

By straightening the body, you raise the arms to the level of the hips. Keep your back straight and your arms outstretched and straight.

One Arm Deadlift

With a slow and controlled movement, lower the single arms back to the mat. You repeat 5-12 times.

Rowing with one arms in a forward bend

Stand on the mat at a distance of the width of your shoulders. You grasp the one-armed hands with your palms facing you. Bend your torso forward at a 45° angle to the floor. Keep your back straight and your arms outstretched and your knees slightly bent.

One-arm rowing in forward bend

Pull the arms vertically up towards the torso, elbows pointing as high as possible.

One-arm rowing in forward bend

With a slow and controlled movement, you return the one-armed hands back to the starting position. You repeat 5-12 times after 3-4 sets.

One-arm pull-ups on a straight bench

Grasp the one-hander with one hand, palm facing you. Lean on the bench with your other hand and knee. Keep your back straight and parallel to the floor.

One-arm pull-ups on a straight bench

Pull one arm vertically up along your torso and raise your elbow as high as possible.

One-arm pull-ups on a straight bench

Stay in this position for at least a second, and with a slow, controlled movement, lower the one-arm back to the starting position. You repeat 5-12 times after 3-4 sets.


One-arm bench presses

While sitting on a bench, you grasp one-handed hands with your palms facing forward and hold them next to your shoulders.

One-arm bench presses

You push the one-arms vertically upwards until the arms are fully extended. Keep your back straight the whole time.

One-arm bench presses

Stay in this position for at least a second and, with a slow, controlled movement, begin to lower the one-arms back to the starting position. You repeat 5-12 times after 3-4 sets.


Biceps lift with one arms while sitting on a bench

While sitting on a bench, grasp one-armed hands with palms facing inward so that the thumb points forward. Keep your hands down next to your body. Keep your back straight, turn off your chest.

Biceps lift with one arms while sitting on a bench

Start lifting one arm up to your shoulders. Rotate your hand so that the palm is facing upwards.

Biceps lift with one arms while sitting on a bench

With a slow and controlled movement, start lowering one arm to the starting position and repeat the exercise with the other one arm.

Biceps lift with one arms while sitting on a bench

You repeat 5-12 times after 3-4 sets.

Hammer lift with one arms while sitting on a bench.

The principle of this exercise is very similar to the previous exercise. You grasp the one-handers with the palms facing inward so that the thumb points forward.

Hammerlift with one arms while sitting on a bench.

However, when lifting the one-arm towards the shoulders, the palm remains in the same position.

Hammerlift with one arms while sitting on a bench.

What is efficiency?

  • In both exercises , the biceps muscle of the arm is primarily involved.
  • During hammer lifts, the forearms are significantly activated, specifically the Brachioradialis muscle. This muscle is located on the thumb side of the forearms near the elbows. They also work more on the brachialis . This muscle is located on the outside of the upper arm and contributes significantly to the overall shape and fullness of the arm.
  • In addition, they are suitable for people who have problems with their wrists. The hands are in a more natural position during these lifts.
Human body - biceps

Concentrated biceps lift on the bench

You stand at the bench and rest one hand on it, even with one hand. With your other hand, grab the top of the bench and support yourself. Try to keep your back straight and slightly bend your knees.

Concentrated biceps bench press

Begin to raise one arm towards your shoulder by bending your elbow.

Concentrated biceps bench press

With a slow and controlled movement, begin to lower one arm to the starting position. You repeat 5-12 times and change the side. Perform 3-4 sets.


Triceps extensions with one arm while sitting on a bench

Sit on the bench, grasp the one-arm with both hands so that your palms face up and touch the inside of the upper disc. Keep your back straight, turn off your chest.

Triceps extensions with one arm while sitting on a bench

Push the one-arm up above your head until your hands are completely switched.

Triceps extensions with one arm while sitting on a bench

With a slow and controlled movement, begin to pull one arm back to the starting position. Make sure that throughout the execution of this exercise you push your elbows together and not away from each other. Repeat 5-12 times after 3-4 sets

You can also perform this exercise with one hand.

Sit on a bench, grasp the one-arm with one hand with the palm towards the body, support yourself with the other hand to support stability.

One Arm Triceps Extensions in One Arm Seated Bench

Push one arm above your head until your arm is fully extended. Keep your back straight, support yourself with the other hand.

Triceps extensions with one arm while sitting on a fitness bench

With a slow and controlled movement of the hand, begin to lower the one-armed arm to the starting position. You repeat 5-12 times after 3-4 sets.

The basic rule, LESS IS MORE, of course also applies here. With these exercises, it is not important how many pounds of weight you lift, BUT HOW. If you want to achieve results faster and avoid unpleasant injuries, it is necessary to perform these types of exercises with the correct technique and adequate load.

The advantage of one-handed dumbbells is that you can regulate the load and adjust the weight of the dumbbell according to your physical fitness. If your physical condition is at a higher level, you can always get an additional weight and put it on the one-handers in a simple way.

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• Images displayed in the blog are illustrative. Specific goods may not be in the offer right now .

Author: Csaba Pleša

Editing and updating: Ingrida Vravcová

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