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Thermal long pants

Functional long pants  > Manufacturer BLIZZARD

In 1945, Toni Arnsteiner, after returning from World War II, built the first Blizzard skis in his carpentry workshop in Mittersil (Austria).

Do you know what will really warm you up in winter and protect you from extreme cold? It is a quality thermal underwear that is a bestseller among products.

Long thermal pants

Thermal pants or underpants have existed for several decades in various forms. Here you can find functional thermal pants and thermal leggings . Men's, women's and children's thermal pants are a guarantee of warmth when worn.

Combine thermal t-shirts with thermal pants for both men and women and you are perfectly protected even in very adverse weather. If you want your thermal underwear to be perfectly coordinated, choose thermal underwear sets . Thermal underwear sets are uniform in color and material.

In our e-shop you will find:

• thermal stockings

• thermal T-shirts with long sleeves

• children's thermal underwear

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Blog articles

Thermal underwear: what are its advantages and how to wear it?
2018-10-18 15:58:20

Thermal underwear: what are its advantages and how to wear it?

A few months ago we wrote about how to properly layer your clothing in the mountains. Today we'll take a closer look at the bottom layer - thermal underwear, or in other words, thermal underwear. What materials is it made of and how to choose the right one?