Adidas AG, part of the Adidas Group, is a German manufacturer of sports products based in Herzogenaurach. The name of the company (and at the same time the trademark) is an abbreviation of the name of its founder, Adolf Dassler.
Football shoes can already look different from shoes for other types of sports. Turf football boots have visible studs on the sole and may have a strap instead of laces.
Outdoor soccer shoes
Outdoor football boots are suitable for natural lawns and natural surfaces. Its distinguishing feature is the pins protruding from the sole. Football turfs are intended for artificial turf or gravel. The sole has outlets that guarantee a good grip and fast movement in every direction.
Indoor soccer shoes
Indoor football boots are ideal for indoor sports. They have a thick, non-marking rubber sole that provides great traction in all directions and a thinner upper for good contact with the ball. Order Nike indoor football boots , whose upper will ensure sensitivity to the ball. Reinforced parts ensure support, regulation of movement and better stability.
Choose adidas turf , outdoor or indoor football boots . We also offer popular Messi models for juniors and children.
The Lancas t football boots have good cushioning and reinforced parts that are under the most stress. It is ideal for leisure activities.
Do not overlook the Joma soccer cleats , which are made of durable materials. The quality rubber sole improves foot movement.
Choose from many designs:
• Classic design
• Brightly colored football boots
• All-black design