Street Surfing has in its "DNA" the creation of a new lifestyle and intense survival of every moment. In 2005, Street Surfing created a new type of sport - waveboarding. Since then, it has gained thousands of fans and enthusiasts all over the world as an action sport.
Skateboarding was created between 1940 and 1950 in California , where this sport is still very popular. Skateboarding is an action sport that includes riding and performing tricks with a (board) or colloquially skate. This typically urban sport is practiced by teenagers in skate parks all over the world.
A board on wheels as an ideal companion
You can choose skateboards from the menu according to weight, material, dimensions . For the little ones, we have a Fizz skateboard , which catches the eye with its color.
The slightly larger Street Surfing skateboard is ideal for fast and smooth riding.
Like the skateboard, the pennyboard and the longboard have gained a lot of fans. The main differentiating features of these three skateboards are their structure and speed.
Skateboard protectors
If you are a beginner, definitely do not miss the purchase of protectors , thanks to which you will prevent injury . Equipment for a beginner skateboarder:
Skateboarding and other sports
Would you like to be fit in the summer? Try these 6 sports with which you will achieve it.