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sports functional shorts, men's functional shorts

Functional training shorts  > Manufacturer UNDER ARMOUR PROJECT ROCK

The bestseller of the Under Armor brand is the Project Rock collection. Dwayne Johnson is the ambassador of Project Rock. Dwayne Johnson's philosophy of success is simple - Start working on yourself. The slogan of the collection " The Only Way Is Through " describes the philosophy of the brand.

The basic part of every training outfit should be functional clothes. It is made of high-quality material that is elastic, wicks away sweat well and dries quickly.

Training in the summer months

You will definitely choose from our range of functional shorts. You can complement the shorts witha functional sleeveless training t-shirt , which wicks away sweat perfectly and is quick-drying. You can combine colorful training sneakers with a sports T-shirt and sports shorts.

If you don't want to go to the fitness center, work out at home with EXIsport. In our blog, we will advise you on kettlebell exercises .

Kettlebell exercises:

• swing with one hand

• forcefully moving the kettlebell above the head

• forearm with a kettlebell

Functional short pants

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