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sports bras

Training bras  > Manufacturer UNDER ARMOUR PROJECT ROCK

The bestseller of the Under Armor brand is the Project Rock collection. Dwayne Johnson is the ambassador of Project Rock. Dwayne Johnson's philosophy of success is simple - Start working on yourself. The slogan of the collection " The Only Way Is Through " describes the philosophy of the brand.

A sports bra is a universal piece that can be used as comfortable underwear or as clothing for training, going to the fitness center or running.

Women's bra for sports and every day

Under armor sports bras are very popular, which not only have a stylish design, but also delight with their excellent functionality. Women's functional leggings go perfectly with an exercise bra. If you expect to exercise outside for a longer time, take a training sweatshirt . You can nicely combine training sneakers with training clothes.

You can use the training bra for:

• various exercises

• running

• workout

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