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FAQ: Our #hashtags and how to use them

FAQ: Our #hashtags and how to use them

Our #hashtags and how to use them

„How about using # (grid) for groups. Like #barcamp [message]??“

-      Chriss Messina, 23.8.2007, Twitter


Gradually, this way of marking groups began to come to the fore.

Hashtag is an English word composed of two terms, "hash" and "tag", "hash" is the English name for the grid "#" and "tag" indicates a keyword. The result is then very simple, a hashtag marks with a grid keywords that give a thematic connection to make sense of the unsorted stream of messages circulating on social networks. A maximum of 30 hashtags can be added to one post.

How we write hashtags

Hashtag is written in the format "#" + "word". It is written without diacritics and without spaces.


#cycle path X

#cyclepath ✓

How to use hashtags

Example: If there is a castle (hrad) in the photo, the user adds #hrad or #castle under the photo. This way, the user has a better chance that everyone searching for photos of castles will get to the photo.

When you click on such a hashtag, you will see an overview of all posts with the same tag that have been published by different users. In this way, you can easily follow topics that interest you and can be easily sorted.

You can search for photos using any hashtag:

We can also search for people by username (e.g. kimkardashian):


Which # to use to know your way around the tangle of grids? As a supporter of EXIsport, we bring you an overview of our hashtags so you know exactly what to tag in the photos of your adventures. Below in this article you will find a list of hashtags to save to your mobile.


So we are clear here. After all, you buy something from us, you wear it, you are happy about it, so you want to share it with the world. A decent sweater or skis that you don't know how to ski yet, but you're really looking forward to the chairlift? Put it there!


EXIsport for sport is our new slogan. If your lifestyle is sports, then this hashtag is exactly for you. We are here for you at any time of the year, all year round.


Do you like EXIsport? Then you have EXIsport DNA in your blood and you are "EXIsport positive".


If you are a fan of EXIsport, then the hashtag #weareexisport is just for you. Do you live with sport, body and soul?

Copy our # to your mobile and always have them handy





How to brand sports and brands

Photos that relate to a specific sport are marked primarily in English. Photos marked in English have a greater reach and a chance to be seen by a larger number of users.

Here at EXIsport, we tag sports with the hashtag #EXI + sport in English. If you are involved in several sports as an individual, mark several sports in the photo.


The photo can also be tagged with the hashtag of a specific brand (#nike, #adidas, #underarmour...). It is advisable to indicate the brand in the photo even if the brand is not clearly visible or recognizable, or if the product is photographed from a greater distance.

For example, if you are a cyclist who is photographed only in a cycling jersey, but you are using a Mondraker bike, it is appropriate to add #mondraker.

FAQ EXIsport

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