There are many different types of bicycle spare parts, including:
• Tires and inner tubes: These parts are essential for repairing tire defects.
• Brake kits: These parts are important for safe braking and must be checked and replaced regularly.
• Chains and derailleurs: These parts are important for the smooth and reliable operation of the bicycle.
• Seats and seatposts: These parts are important for comfortable and ergonomic sitting on the bike.
• Wheels and hubs: These parts are important for the stable and reliable operation of the bicycle.
• Head assemblies: These parts are important to the steering of the bike and must be checked and maintained regularly.
• Pedals: These parts are important for reliable power transmission and must be checked and replaced regularly.
• Stands: These parts allow stable parking of the bicycle and must be regularly checked and maintained.
• Handlebars and brake and shift levers: These parts are important for the safe handling of the bicycle and must be regularly checked and maintained.
• Lights and bells: These parts improve the visibility and safety of cycling.